Grace Muthoni MburuDaniel Mburu wedded Grace Muthoni in 2012. They live in Njoro. Like any newlyweds they looked forward to a blissful life. In 2013 while Grace was 5 months pregnant she fell ill. Doctors advised termination of the pregnancy to save her own life.

Daniel Mburu, for the love of his wife quit his job to devote his time to her. She needed his attention more than ever.

Grace feeds on tubes. Grace is on adult diapers all through. Grace doesn't talk and hasn't talked since she fell ill. She only walks aided.

James has been to Eldoret, Nakuru hospitals seeking medical attention for his wife. But he can no longer afford that. He's jobless and he's penniless.

Perhaps our love for Grace is all what's needed for her tremendous recovery. If we sent some donations to her it will facilitate her medical attention.

Please share your love with them through the following details. You can also SHARE this update to reach your friend.

Grace Muthoni Medical fund
1. Lipa Na Mpesa
Pay bill no.922565
Acc No- 0130190529117

2. Equity Bank Limited,
Nakuru branch,
A/C No- 0130190529117

3. Mpesa Number
0711325055 / 0727115616
Registered Owner- James Mburu Wangui