A Day of Prayer: Friday, June 9 2017 (9am-5pm)

Facilitated by Jambo Radio Network

JRN Logo FinalIf there is a time to pray, it is now. The situation in the world, here in the US, back in our country of origin, Kenya, beckons for our intercession. We are being called to stand in the gap. To answer to this very important call, Jambo Radio Network, a team of pastors and people with a burden for Kenya, are inviting you to a Day of Prayer. This will be on Friday, June 9, 2017 from 10am to 5pm. There are several key areas that will be of focus and each will be handled by the person named alongside. Time set is Eastern Time (ET). The list is inexhaustible and you can add other items in your private and fellowship prayers. We encourage all of us to petition for our world. Our lives are not safe if peace does not rule supreme in the world. When one hurts, we all hurt. Please download the Jambo Radio Network app to listen.

            10-11 am: Setting the stage: Word of the Day. Opening Prayers and Dedicating the Day (Rev. Onzare).

            11-12 am: Prayer for All Our Families (Rev. Ven. Samuel Kimuhu).

            12pm-1pm: The Diaspora and Issues affecting Kenyans and other Immigrants (PK, Pastor Karen).

            1-2 pm: Kenya: Ongoing Campaigns, Elections, The future of Kenya (Rev. Dr. Solomon Waigwa).

            2- 3pm:  Prayers for the sick and the less fortunate (Pastor Isaac Nganga).

            3-4 pm: Terror and Increasing Acts of Terrorism in the world (Rev. Dr. Joseph Kimatu).

            4-5pm: Our Media Networks including JRN, and the church (Pastor Jacob Gathogo).

Please commit this Day to prayer and if you can, to fasting. Let us cry unto the Lord in response to the Lord’s invitation (Jer. 33:3, 2 Chr. 7:14 and Matt. 7:7). God bless you all and may our prayers be heard and answered.

(Rev. Dr. Joseph Kimatu)



Jambo Radio Network APP is now available on Google Play and iTunes Store