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To our Kenyan Christian Families!

ICOC 2019 11 30 at 10.19.09 2

You came in masses, you praised, you prayed, you gave and made history of the first ever Great Thanksgiving Event (GTE) such a successful day. Thank you for answering the call of Snr. Pastor John Macere and the ICOC church family. What an on honor to see all Bishops, Pastors and all men and women of God praising together in one voice as our church communities stood with us cheering us on. This was God indeed!!.

From many that gave touching testimonies, the singers who brought the house down in worship and the church leaders and prayer warriors who led the march to honor God in Thanksgiving; the atmosphere was Heavenly. The unison voices of Elim and SDA choirs, Lady Z, Maryanne and the great ICOC praise team was electrifying. No one wanted to leave the room or miss a moment. Our community businesses and NGO leaders, our gospel artists, and the greater ATL Community were present. Our African brothers and sisters from Congo, Ghana, Uganda, Jamaica, Còte d' Ivoire and Rwanda came to stand with us in this universal celebration! A packed Sanctuary of over 400 voices worshipped together to raise an Altar.

We had a very comprehensive program and you stood with us to the very end. Our evening ended with a delicious fellowship meal in plenty prepared by the ICOC hosting ministry. What an honor!

ICOC 2019 11 30 at 10.19.09 1

I'm here to say a big thank you. Your gifts of gratitude will build an Altar for God at the ICOC Church and much more.

The vision to see this Great Thanksgiving Event as an annual activity for all Christians, church leaders, businesses, NGOs come together   to celebrate and give thanks shall be realized in the coming years. I remain committed to see my conception of GTE bear many future fruits of uniting all Kenyans with the goodwill and support of you all once a year.

You all made this day possible through your prayers, time, contribution and many more. A special thank you to all supporting committees for all the time you sacrificed.

On behalf of ICOC, I say thank you to all of you Atlanta! . We are forever grateful!

Rev. Pastor John Macere


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ICOC 2019 11 30 at 10.19.13 2 ICOC 2019 11 30 at 10.19.08 2 ICOC 2019 11 30 at 10.19.12 3
ICOC 2019 11 30 at 10.19.07 1 ICOC 2019 11 30 at 10.19.11 ICOC 2019 11 30 at 10.19.13



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Sarit Center, Nairobi, Kenya
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